Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday, June 8 2008

Dear Family,

I talked to John a few minutes ago. He is coming up here for the 4th of July. He and family will leave Arizona on July 2nd. They will stay with Allison's parents as their base of operation. On July 3rd in the evening we will celebrate Michael's birthday. We will probably go out to eat.

On the 4th we will probably watch the stadium of lights fireworks at night.

The Gerbers were going to have a family reunion at the end of this month. It would be at an RV park connected to Lagoon. They have asked for people to respond if they want to go and have not gotten much response so far. The first day of the reunion will be on Sunday, June 29th. Karalee, Michael and Derrick will come up here on Saturday, June 28th, so they can go with us to the reunion on Sunday.

Another thing has happened that affects the reunion. Two weeks ago the President of the Gerber Family Organization, Dick Clark, died.

I will get more information on the status of the Gerber Family Reunion for this year.



Thursday, June 5, 2008

No longer restricted as spam

Dear family,

For some inexplicable reason, our blog was restricted as spam. I asked them to review our site, and I guess it is no longer listed as spam because I can now post new blog messages.

I just got back from a Wyoming run for my work. I deliver mufflers from Heber City to Rock Springs, Wyoming and then back to Salt Lake.

This Saturday, we are going down to Provo to take Karalee, Derrick and Michael shopping since they no longer have a car. Their car transmission gave out. It would cost $2500 to fix. So, they take the bus to work.

Also Saturday, Carol will have a permanent down in the Walmart in Orem.

Karalee and Derrick found an apartment they like. It will cost $650/month. It is a two bedroom so Michael can move in with them. We will take Michael over to look at it on Saturday.

We love you and pray for you.


Mom and Dad